What is a Free Consultation?
Whether it is a business, lawyer, or any other field, a free consultation is everywhere. You might be a potential client looking for professional or legal advice. Or, you might be a lawyer who wishes to establish a good consultation practice. Whatever it might be, free consulting has been in the business for a long time.
In a nutshell, it means to provide a consultation to your potential client free of cost. This may seem odd but, almost every consulting lawyer or professional might have done so. At the start of a consulting practice, this is one of the most helpful tactics and move to build trust. The importance of trust in this field is non-negotiable. People not only want to get the advice of someone best in the field but also someone whom they trust. Hence, this is a tried and tested method. For clients, this helps in determining whether they would like to stick to the lawyer or not. For lawyers, this works out and helps them gain more clients or start strong. People want to see your work at the beginning, which you might not have.
Free consultation has several benefits, some of them are listed below.
- Increase the value of your services:
As mentioned above, a free consultation can help you build your practice. It makes your services known and valuable. For clients, this helps in looking out for good advice at no cost. So, if you see it this way, it enhances the value of your services. An absolute win-win situation also leads to increased customer satisfaction and retention.
- Marketing:
A free-consultation helps in free marketing. Yes, word-of-mouth publicity is a reality. When you help people with a free consultation, they, in turn, help others by suggesting your name. As a client, it helps in building trust with the lawyer. This way, you are bound to engage better every time and have a good option as a lawyer.
- Client needs:
A free consultation helps in knowing what the clients want. When you know what the clients want, you can find out the most asked questions and shape your practice that way. From the point of view of clients, this can help in better and organized advice. And help increase the quality of consultation services also. So, in all spheres, it is helping better the service and the clients alike.
- Sometimes, lawyers want to give free consultation:
It may seem like you would not get quality service but remember, the layers also want to retain you and hear back from you. So, they would indeed try their best to advise you. For them, free consultation works well as a return on investment later. It may not give immediate results but if one remains patient, it sure works.
If you are someone, looking for a free consultation, you should indeed go for it. You can pick out someone from your friends’ suggestion or even lookup online. What you need to make sure is that the service is relevant to what you are looking for.
This is not a legal advice, always consult your Lawyer.